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Reconstruction – An English Version part 1

2018. június 21. - Aneninen


With the help of others, the English and updated version of the post which was about the events of the 8th of April has been made!

Elkészült az angol nyelvű, és frissített változat, rengeteg hivatkozással! Köszönöm mindenkinek a közreműködést! (Mivel a szerkesztőfelület nem képes a poszt eredeti hosszát kezelni, két részre szedtem azt.


 How to carry out an election fraud in the EU? -- the Hungarian way

The following paragraphs concisely describe those events that raised serious concerns on the fairness of the Hungarian elections. This description is supported by many references from the remnants of the free Hungarian media -- the websites, television and radio stations cited are completely trustworthy, verifiable sources. Even though most of the sources cited are in Hungarian, these can constitute a good source for investigative journalism.

There were three levels of fraudulent actions during the elections, all of which happened simultaneously.

The first level consists in a systemic bias introduced by FIDESZ into the election process, including its overwhelming media dominance (1) (2) pouring a fear-generating campaign dominated with fake news and propaganda on the population (3), and carefully keeping entirely silent about the country’s real problems and its corruption scandals. This fear-generating campaign made an enormous impact on poor people living in the countryside, who have no access to any other information sources than the state controlled media. (4) Another serious bias of the electoral system is that it gives “easy access” to Hungarian citizens living in the neighbouring countries (members of historical Hungarian ethnic minorities many of whom never lived in the Hungarian republic), but for Hungarians living in western Europe (many of whom left their country only in the last 6-8 years because of the stifling regime) the access to their democratic electoral rights was made particularly cumbersome. (5) Similarly, loopholes were introduced on purpose in the nomination and funding rules of political parties, encouraing 14 virtually nonexistent “scam parties” to launch candidates and lists at a national scale (6) (7), whereas other rules (8) made it virtually impossible for bona-fide opposition parties to recall candidates in favour of each other in the single-turn system introduced by FIDESZ, already highly unfavourable for the opposition. The rules for delegating polling officials and observers has also been disproportionately complicated for political parties and independent organizations. The weak opposition parties were not able to delegate officers to more than two thirds of the ballot stations (9). There have also been many signs that FIDESZ has been creating for years massive databases gathering political data on individual citizens (10), which could lay the foundations for several types of sophisticated fraud later. There were also many highly unethical elements in the FIDESZ campaign (e.g. smear campaigns based on clandestine operations, (11), which could also influence the outcomes. All these factors, already apparent during the campaign period, were recorded by OSCE (12).





E.g. https://444.hu/…/egy-18-eves-srac-5400-kilometert-utazott-h…








The second level constitutes actual illegal actions performed during the election day. There was a massive and well-organized campaign to “import” voters from the neighbouring countries during the polling day. Thousands of dual citizens were granted a Hungarian “domestic address” during the first months of 2018. These people, who never actually lived in Hungary, were then transported to the right polling stations on the polling day in a highly organized way. (13) (14) (15) The border stations experienced an extremely dense traffic and were instructed to operate at top capacity during the polling day. There were several documented cases of purchasing votes (16), and some cases of blackmailing public servants (17) and communal workers (a vast group of undereducated poor people employed by the local authorities(18)). Voters frequently received instructions that contradicted the electoral law from the polling officers (e.g. on the use of envelopes), and in really many cases they received wrong types of ballot papers (19). Many people who asked to vote from home, a possibility offered by law have not received their ballots and could not vote (20). There were many other signs of bad organization, e.g. a few polling stations in Budapest received an outstanding number of transferred voters, which resulted in very long queues dispersing only hours after the official closing time of the elections (21). These events might seem to be minor organizational problems, but both the number and the seriousness of these issues was much higher than in any previous elections in Hungary, and in fact many of these disturbances may have been intended to be a “red herring” in order to distract attention during and after the polls.

Let’s stop here for a moment. An important goal of level 1 was to desinform and to silence the opposition, reducing their ability to mobilize their voters. With a low participation rate level 2 alone could have ensured a major victory for FIDESZ. But despite all this, the participation rate turned out to be record high, and a broad grassroot movement for “tactical voting” did establish a coordination compensating thus for the high number of candidates on the ballot papers. (22)

(13) http://rtl.hu/embed/1160172

(14) https://hirtv.hu/…/celpont-kisbuszokkal-hordtak-ukrajnabol-…

(15) http://hvg.hu/itthon/20180412_csepel_hataron_tuli_szavazok

(16) https://www.pecsistop.hu/…/493598_hangfelvetel_penzert_vitt…

(17) http://egriugyek.hu/…/az-egyik-egri-onkormanyzati-ceg-level…

(18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=38&v=YPZRATNT3u0

(19) https://444.hu/…/nem-csalas-nem-amitas-egyszeruen-tobb-szav…

(20) https://mno.hu/…/egesz-nap-hiaba-vartak-a-mozgournakat-2458…

(21) https://444.hu/…/a-sorbanallas-alaposan-elvette-a-kedvet-a-…

(22) http://www.atv.hu/…/20180407-friss-felmeres-veszelyben-a-fi…


(41) https://www.theguardian.com/…/hungary-surprise-defeat-for-v…



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